viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Ejemplo de coraje de vida y uso de redes sociales

Hoy hablamos en twitter @teledoctor sobre hospitales solidos y liquidos, flexibilidad de los pacientes  incluso capacidad para conectarse y "estar" en las redes sociales. Sin duda una terapia incomparable. Felicitamos a Tony Nocklinson, seguramente estas actividades sociales  enriquecerán su vida, baste decir que en 48 hrs, tine casi 8,000 seguidores y con solo 7 tweets enviados


 Transcirbimos esta información vista en Mashable, gracias..¡

Paralyzed Stroke Victim Sends His First Tweet [VIDEO]:

Tony Nicklinson suffered a life-altering stroke seven years ago that left him unable to move his body. His mind, however, remained perfectly healthy. He's been able to communicate using a sophisticated computer that tracks his eye movements to "type" messages.
Nicklinson recently joined Twitter under the handle @TonyNicklinson. He sent his first tweet, a simple "hello world," as part of a Channel 4 documentary about his condition and his life.
Hello world. I am tony nicklinson, I have locked-in syndrome and this is my first ever tweet. #tony— TonyNicklinson (@TonyNicklinson) June 13, 2012
I have just had an old school friend call in for a chat with us but mostly Jane be…
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More About: health, Social Good, Social Media, Twitter, Video, viral, YouTube

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